News & Events

WACA Gambia Project delivers 34 floodwater pumps to communities, National Disaster Management Agency, and local authorities to support flood response

The West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project in The Gambia (WACA Project) Tuesday,…

Côte d’Ivoire: Experts and communities partner to restore mangrove and forests

Reviving Mangroves: WACA's Strategic Efforts to Bolster Coastal Resilience in Cote d'Ivoire

Togo: building resilience in fishing communities highlighted by 20th Radio du Littoral program

The 20th Radio du Littoral broadcast in Togo focuses on strengthening resilience in communities.

Preserve our Coastline, Protect our Future Blog Competition young bloggers bring their voices as part of the solutions for coastal resilience

As part of the WACA Blog Togo competition, WACA REsIP awarded six young bloggers and vloggers.

WACA ResIP project management monitoring and evaluation specialists and project coordinators trained in the use of RUCHE software

Workshop organized by WACA BAR to train teams on how to use the RUCHE application.

Key Facts & Figures

  • 56%

    Coastline in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo subject to an average erosion of 1.8 m per year

  • US$1.4 billion

    Cost of air, water and waste pollution cost in 2017 to Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo

  • 13,000 deaths

    Occur in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo primarily due to floods, air and water in 2017

  • $3.8 billion

    The cost of erosion, flooding and pollution cost to Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo

  • 56% GDP

    Generated by West Africa Coastal Areas



Coastal erosion and flooding in West Africa severely threaten people’s communities, livelihoods, safety and investments. About 56% of West Africa’s GDP is generated in coastal provinces, where one-third of the population resides. Stronger storms and rising seas are wiping out homes, roads and buildings that have served as landmarks for generations. Some beaches are deeply mined for sand, protective mangroves are deforested, and people are increasingly vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Some residents have no choice but to move away—a trend that is breaking up communities and changing the social fabric for future generations.

Rapid and often unplanned urbanization has devastated the natural landscape that once served as a buffer for erosion and flooding. These developments disproportionately affect the poorest and most marginalized, and will intensify due to climate change. While countries have started to contain erosion and flooding, there is an urgent need for partners to mobilize financing through coordinated regional action. Collaboration at the policy and technical levels helps countries to manage erosion hotspots, and to maintain the livelihoods that a healthy coastal ecosystem provides to people and economies.

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